Our daughter's bedroom-slash-guest room was in need of a nightstand-slash-shelving but I had little $ to spend, so I resolved to turn my crafty mom mode on and start thinking.
I drove to the unfortunately named Christmas Tree Shop, a large store that sells cheap stuff that looks cheap alongside cheap stuff that might just fool you. Initially I had my heart set on a wicker table but they turned out to be pricier than I thought. I ended up purchasing a white particle board nightstand. Particle board is fine as long as nobody jumps on it, so I figured it would work for a few years.
The next stop was Michael's, the arts and crafts store, for a can of spray paint and some stencils.
Once home, I single-handedly assembled the nightstand, drill and all. I know from experience that it's easy for the nails to head the wrong way and break the particle board, but the drill and I did a fine job, if I may say so myself. The table looked fine but I had already made my big mistake: I should have painted the parts before assembling them.
I spread some plastic on the porch, changed into paint clothing and proceeded to spray paint the nightstand. My mistake here was failing to buy a mask. Once the paint was dry I used leftover white wall paint to paint stencils on one side of the nightstand.
Et voila':
Now that is a pretty cool spruce up of a boring looking unit. Well done.